Pangram – C Programming

Linux Example – Terminal

Another assignment that I made for my C programming class at TCC. Pangram program, this program check if your sentence is a pangram or not. Pangram is a sentence using every letter of the alphabet at least once. I compile using Dev-C++ for windows  and for Linux , Mac or any Unix console CC. If you running this program maybe your anti-virus can told you that maybe is a risk to running this program. Is because is very basic, but is NOT A VIRUS.

Windows Example – Command Prompt

In this program you can see a good example for for loop in c programing . Also is a good example for see how to  stored a array of character using char. This code and program is free to use and share, any questions free to ask.

Download Source Code
Pangram- Windows (.exe)
Pangram- Linux (.out)

//XD Creations  -
/*Pangram program, this program check if your sentence is a pangram or not
Pangram is a sentence using every letter of the alphabet at least once.
Exmaple : The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog*/
#include <stdio.h>

 int main(void)
	int index, i, pangram;
	char ch, x[26] = {0};
    printf("Enter a sentence to check if is a pangram\n");
    printf("----------- Pangram Program --------------\n");
	printf("Enter a pangram: ");
 /* This While Loop checking if is a pangram or not. The program increment 1 for each that letter
 you enter. So, if you have at least one and each letter is a pangram*/
	while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n'){	// This time I dont used scanf, I used getchar
		if('A'<=ch&&ch<='Z')// checking if Cap letter
			index = ch-'A';
		else if('a'<=ch&&ch<='z') // checking if isn't Cap letter
			index = ch-'a';

	x[index] = 1;//  Here is stored all the letter with numbers.

	pangram = 1;
// Basically this is loop that check if you have all letters.
	for (i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
	    if (x[i] == 0)
			pangram = 0;
// If you have all letter, the array  increment 1 and is a pangram
	if (pangram == 1){
		printf("Your sentence have all letter so is, Pangram\n");
        printf("                          By: XD Creations");
// If you dont have all letter, the array dont increment  and isn't a pangram
	else if(pangram == 0) {
		printf("This sentence is not a  Pangram\n");
        printf("                          By: XD Creations\n");
	system("PAUSE");// system("PAUSE"); is just for windows
	return 0;

//XD Creations -

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